Sunday, 8 December 2013

Week 3...

It didn't start off with the bang that I had hoped for.  There was no bang.....just blah

My friend Wendy drove me to my appointment on Monday, it's chemo day so I will want to always have a ride on that day,  just in case.

I was very tired, croaky voice, and in a"lets just get this over with kid of mood".  Not that I could move fast to hurry up for anything, but you get the gist.  Since last weeks chemo cocktail went without a hitch, I was expecting the same.

But no....never a dull moment.  Every Friday I meet with a nurse for a download.  We go over how I am feeling, does anything hurt more so than usual, how are my feelings, do I want a Big Mac? (jk)....stuff like that.  I must have been playing with my earring or ear, my left ear bugs me sometimes.  I think at times I do have some hearing issues in it, nothing serious, but I do especially get hearing full on loss when the kids are fighting...I mean, doesn't that happen to everyone?

Anyways, the nurse made a note of it, and apparently the type of chemo cocktail they are giving me does actually have the ability to do some nerve damage and make you deaf.  Oh boy.  It was finally figured out that just one dose wouldn't have done it, we decided my ear was itchy ( was), and I will take the chemo cocktail today and go for a hearing test on Thursday.  Done, now lets do this!

All of a sudden everyone was looking at me, "umm hi?"...."Sarah are you swaying"?  "Sarah are you ok?"  Sarah can you lay down for a minute?"

I had forgotten how tired I was, it was exhausting just standing there.  Everyone talking, the lights, the questions....I think I almost passed out.  Good thing I was in a hospital!  ..ya...they didn't find that funny either.

So before I could sleep, I had to let them put in my iv to start the drip.  I wanted someone to assure me that I wasn't going to pee my pants.

I woke up two hours later, wow I gotta visit that place more often..(not).  I was done..but I had to go pee first,

Then I was sent down to Radiation.  All the ladies have gotten to know me, I really like them all.  "So I hear you slept thru chemo, good for you"..."Hey...I'm not done yet", I was still tired I was going to try for a few more zzzzz's.  Much harder to do since you are basically balancing on the monkey bars in there.

Ten minutes later...."I can't believe you slept in there you brat!".  I kind of felt like patting myself on my back, however, one of the technicians noticed I had been crying.  I was fine, just so taken aback by how tired I was.

The rest of the week was good.  I am sure the whole world found out that our little town of Victoria got some snow, we had our sunshine too.

This weekend,  I was to catch up on sleep and concentrate on eating things with protein in them.  Ive gotten some good recipes from on the web, but always looking for more.

Thank yous

Kaelee who made me some beautiful handmade earrings which I love
Jan P for the beautiful cards
Barb Rosa for the beautiful cards
Liz for taking Sophie to the Santa Parade and for an afterschool playdate
For the one who used to keep me safe and strong
Wendy and Mom for meals and rides

Word for the week is: Fatigue
 It feels as though you are walking thru cheese......

xox s



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My power went out and my computer crashed when I was posting! I am re-sending this....Fingers crossed the comment sticks this time...

    Wow, what a week! Glad you are trying to eat well and are scanning cyberspace for new recipes. (We soOoOooo have that in common) I really, really wish I could come hang out and cook you some good grub. All of this is hard work and you are doing it. Keep up the good work Sarah! :)
