Monday, 4 November 2013

This week...

This week is when everything starts to happen.

Once I get the results from the PET scan, I will be given a more conclusive diagnosis and Stage. As long as there aren't any serious surprises, I think this week should go as planned.

I will be meeting with my Radiologist Oncologist Dr.H, she's really bright, and with it and I like her. We will go over the PET scan results, she has the final say on the treatment plan. If she doesn't think anything needs tweaking, then I believe I am in the queue for my first radiation treatment on Thursday.

Not so fast....they want to make sure you feel, well loved and taken care of.
On Wednesday, I see the Medical Oncologist to go over my meds, he will be the one lining up the oral chemotherapy, to be done at the same time as the radiation. This is an aggressive treatment plan, the oral chemo will help the radiation do an even better job.

After that appointment, more love, I will see the Urologist. I've been told that the disease is wrapping itself around one of the tubes coming from my kidney. This is good news because we don't want it to invade or spread to the kidney. They may have to put a Stent in to keep the tube from not getting squished, and that looks like a super unfun thing to get done or talk about about those Red Sox??!!!

After I run screaming from the Urologist appointment, I am going to be interviewed by the Pain Management Team. They are made up of, Dr's, Pharmacists, Nurses and Psychologists who review your meds, review your pain levels and offer from the ground up different levels of coping. Depending on your pain level, there will always be a plan, but with a back up plan. Given the expertise in the groups, I am quite excited to learn what I can, instead of constantly turning to my "bedside table turned pharmacy counter" for something that I "hope" will help.

Sounds like this week is going to be busy, but starting the treatment is also a big step to getting this overwith.

Having a rather slow week was good, because I needed the rest, and I had all the kids home with me. It also was kind of bad, it left me with time, time to let thoughts get in, if the results from the PET scan aren't what we expect. Those moments are the worst, I do not stay there for long, but they can be my reality.

I am again left to wonder, at this time next week, will I know something more distressing then I know now? Will I already start to be feeling the effects of the radiation? 

I can't even remember now, what I was worrying about 2 months ago. Did I need more groceries? Maybe more oil in my car? Or which school picture I should be choosing for Sophie....

Damn...those were so simple


  1. This post reminds me to not sweat the small is NOTHING compared to what you are going through!!! Thanks for the reminder.

    No matter how you feel next week we will be here for you, Sarah. :D


  2. The waiting can be so hard. I am with you - info is knowledge, then you can get figure out the game plan & get to business. Having a plan can give you some control back. I am sending love, support and hugs to you! Can't wait to visit you.
    Much luv,

  3. Hello Sarah, I'm a friend of your mom's and just wanted to say how much I appreciate your writing skill and your willingness to share your experience via your blog. It's truly inspirational. I was touched by your remarks to all your supporters last week - especially your mom. May it help just a little to know there are others who you don't even know who are cheering for you and wishing you well in this challenging journey.

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