Tuesday, 22 October 2013

"The day" ....part 1

I woke up this morning with my blackberry in my hand....nice.  I fell asleep reading creepy stories from people on "Thought Catalogue"....they obviously didn't scare me, I have enough to fear thank you very much.

I was glad I slept.  I did not sleep at all Sunday night, by 6am Monday morning I was a wreck.  I thought if this was how I was going to spend the time between now and the appointment, I was in for a rough ride.  I only napped a little on Monday, visited with Hayley who thankfully came over and kept me company, and then I went to bed, really really hoping I would sleep, and I did.

I'm sitting at my mom's waiting to go.  I don't want to go.  I don't want to talk about free parking or the best route to get there.  I want to be home when Sophie gets home from school today.  She was with her dad this weekend, which means this will be the first time I see her since Saturday.  That's far too long for this mama bear.  After her weekends, our hugs are extra long, and I take in her sweet smell just a bit longer.  This appointment gets in the way of that.  Of course I will still hug her when I get home, but I can't help but wonder if there will be something I will know, that may make me want to hug her harder, or pick her up and swing her around in the air.

The clock is ticking, my mom and I are both doing something to keep ourselves busy.....but we both keep watching the time.

1 comment:

  1. Przypomnijmy, że Strom Armin dom został stworzony Repliki zegarków przez Armin Strom, że czterdzieści lat temu. Jako mistrz zegarmistrz w sztuce openworking jego unikalny styl pozwoliły mu sobie wyobrazić patrząc produktów szkielet, podkreślić ruch - które wykończenia są prowadzone do ręki – zegarka "zbyt piękne, by pozostać.
