Monday, 21 October 2013

I want to thank you, thank you....

I have always been someone who believes that you can never say "Thank you" enough.  It's so important to acknowledge those who have thought of you, gifted you, and helped you.  It's such a thrill for me to send a card in the mail these days, I love doing that.  One of my favourite things to do is shop for cards, not ones with sayings, but the beautiful artsy cards.  I am never without a choice at home, I love to pick out the perfect card and write a short note. It really does give me great joy....corny, but true.

Then, there are opportunities such as this.  An open book if you will, of my thoughts and my lists and my fears....but, the best part about this, is that I can share with you those that I wish to thank now, and I can tell you why.

I've been sick for quite some time, it's not been easy on my children or on the rest of my family.  My mom has been there for all of us when we needed her, without hesitation.  She's been a sitter for Sophie, a chauffeur for all of us, she's been our chef, business manager and she's been our cruise director.  Without my mom,  I can honestly say I would be in worse shape if she wasn't there to help me stay afloat, and remind me that I can "do it".  Whatever new curve ball was thrown my way, and believe me, there have been alot (alot!), she has listened to my tears, acknowledged my fears but never let me give up.  She is an incredible woman, and I am so glad I am able to share how much she has helped me and my little family.

Now, with this diagnosis, I will need her even more.  I wish it wasn't that way, but I am thankful already that my mom will be there for me and the kids, I couldn't ask for better.  Thanks mom, I love you.

I have 3 awesome children, Jesse and Hayley are 19 and Sophie is 8.  They are what keeps me going, they are what I think about when I am staring at the pills in the stupid pill bottles, they are why I am going to bust thru the Cancer Clinic doors on Tuesday and announce that I am there to tame and beat the Panda.

Jesse, Hayley and Sophie...I cannot even begin to describe how much I love you guys.  Everyday, each one of you gives me reason to smile, yes, even after I frown when "someone" eats all the food in the fridge, or when "someone" takes all my expensive make-up, and even when "someone" eats cheezies for breakfast tries to cover it up...badly I might add.....I still smile, and I thank you for that.

I cannot forget to mention my wonderful sister.  She's been away for so many years teaching in Egypt and the UAE, she's finally back and living close.  More so, she has just blessed our family with a baby girl Oluchi, and I cannot tell you how much I love that little one!  My sister has also helped me at home when I have been in the hospital, and has been there for my children.  She has sat with me thru my grumpy times, and she still loves me...that's patience!  Thanks to my wonderful sister Kate, I love you.

Lastly, Lee, Wendy, Janet, Geeta and Tegan....thank you.  I didn't know I was going to write this, until I started to write, so I don't have anyones permission to write about my relationships.  Please know, these wonderful people are great friends, if not more.

I cannot thank everyone enough for your support, I was overwhelmed by everyones comments on FB.  I am usually a very private person, so, this was difficult for me.  I think it's important tho, to share what it's like....some posts will be hard to write, some may be hard to read, but I am thankful that you will be on this journey with me.  Your support gives me strength and it gives me reason to keep going.

Thank you, everyone..I thank you.

1 comment:

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