Wednesday, 8 October 2014


October 7, 2014

It was a year ago today, that I was delivered the news that I had cancer. It's not like you see in the movies, where a kind Dr sits you down, and with a sad face delivers your fate. No, basically it was "you have cancer". The rest was a bit of a blur, but I remember the Dr wanting to get out of there fast, which she did. My mom and I just stood there for awhile,silent. I sent a text to a friend saying "it's cancer", I still have the screen shot. Then we left.

Soon, I was adopted into the arms of the BC Cancer Agency. I remember one of my first posts where I was not pleased to be there, well of course I wasn't! ..but once there, you are in their care, and I don't mean that lightly. Every single step of the way, no matter what you are there for, you are cared for. My experience was this, the Dr's, nurses, volunteers, chemo nurses, radiation techs, receptionist, pain clinic nurse, they all knew my name and were all gentle and kind. I can tell you first hand, it's so important to have such great people on your team, especially given the circumstances. I was very grateful, still am.

Over the year, I've had 10 chemotherapy sessions‎, 35 radiation treatments, 5 boost - radiation treatments, and 6 braccytherapy sessions (internal radiation). I'm really lucky, because so far I have no visible signs or symptoms from the radiation or chemotherapy. I've had so much blood drawn from my arms that my veins have seized, the only place to get blood from me is from my hands. I've had CT scans, PET scans and MRI's, the CT scans were too many to count.  I've lost all my hair and  I've. lost almost 70 pounds.

Today, my cancer is in remission. I'm not scheduled for any treatments of any kind. I have follow-up appointments so my Dr can keep an eye on me.

Today, I can start the recuperation phase for my mind and body. Although I did say I didn't have any side effects or long lasting symptoms, I still have a long road ahead of me. 

Today, I can finally start to pick up some pieces of my life that got dropped, and I couldn't got back for them.

Today, I'm going to live my life for me and my family, and no one else.....especially cancer.


  1. As always Sarah, eloquent. You are my hero.

  2. So so so happy for you Sarah! You are an amazing and courageous woman. I have nothing but tears of joy for you! Can't wait to come visit again! xoxo

  3. Good luck in the journey ahead. Cancer claimed both my Mom and Sister. I think of your often. I admire your courage
