Saturday, 15 February 2014


Sophie was filling out a school work piece. It was filled with many questions, such as what is your favorite food, what is your favorite animal....and the biggie..."what is your wish"

Reading that brought tears to my eyes, for many reasons. One other question on her work was "who do you most admire", she wrote "my mom".

For the most part I've tried to keep the worst of this away from Sophie. She has been shuffled from her Nana's (my mom) house, to friends houses when times have been rough. 

When Sophie asks about my cancer, I've always told her the truth. As with my other two children, I've never kept anything from them. You may notice that I also don't talk about the kids very much in my posts. The fact that I don't write about their reactions, or feelings is because it's theirs, and theirs alone. At times, I have asked if I could share things they have said or felt, but only if they feel comfortable.

Sophie doesn't miss a beat, I know she knows what is going on. I know her wish came from her heart, and she sent it to where the tooth fairy lives, where Santa is and where the Easter bunny is hanging out.

She knows when I need a little space when we are at home, but she always wants to be in the same room with me, never can I be out of sight for long. She is such a love, and she is what keeps me smiling day after day.

I don't need an alarm clock...she crawls into bed with me around 4 am every morning to cuddle. She says the cat keeps waking her up....but I know better ;) wish is the same as yours, I love you


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